
Serve with Faith in Action

Our congregation has a heart for service, and we believe that we are called to be the hands and feet of Christ. The Faith in Action committee provides opportunities for congregants to practice what it means to follow Jesus and make a difference in the world according to His teachings.

Faith in Action partners and works in conjunction with other Trinity groups to meet this shared congregational charge. If you have suggestions for programming or want to be part of our activity, please reach out to the Faith in Action committee members or contact the church office.

Faith in Action’s Mission

Support underserved groups locally and beyond by responding to immediate needs.

Work to eliminate hunger and homelessness and support other vital needs by coming together as a congregation and working on service projects for missions such as Elijah’s Promise, and Stop Hunger Now.

Make our presence known and enhance our outreach to all in the community.

Educate, inform, and involve our congregation in support of these initiatives.

Serve on a Leadership team

In addition to Faith in Action, we have several committees and teams that help facilitate various ministries and responsibilities for our Church body.

Adult Christian Education Committee

In keeping with Trinity’s mission to be disciples and make disciples of Jesus, loving and caring for God’s people everywhere, the Adult Christian Education Committee offers programs to educate and enrich lives.

Interpretation and Stewardship

Interpretation and stewardship works to interpret the joy to be found in giving of ourselves in faithful stewardship through our gifts of time, talent, and treasure.

Personnel and Administration

The Personnel and Administration Committee has overall responsibility for hiring, staff relations, volunteer leadership assignments, administrative process review and documentation along with church by-laws.


Trinity is blessed by a tremendously active Board of Deacons. Made up of 10 loving and compassionate caregivers, the board ministers to the congregation as a whole, wherever there is special need.

Property Committee

The Property committee is responsible for maintaining the church building and grounds in a cost-efficient manner and managing our relationships with those that use or want to use our facility.

Trinity’s Earth Shepherds

Trinity’s Earth Shepherds manages and suggests new activities to further our understanding and preservation of God’s creation.

Worship and Spiritual Life Committee

The committee’s primary responsibilities include coordinating church services, managing live stream production, recruiting volunteers for various roles, overseeing pew supplies, maintaining church instruments, and preparing communion elements.


Elders and are chosen by the church members. Together with Ministers of Word and Sacrament, they exercise leadership, government, discipline and pastoral care.

Children Youth and Family Ministries

Trinity has many opportunities to participate in our diverse range of programs, events and resources aimed to nurture our youngest members and their families in spiritual growth.